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Microsoft's Is Coming Out Of Preview, Hotmail Users Will Be Upgraded Starting Tomorrow – MSPoweruser

March 12, 2024

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Microsoft today announced that web mail service is moving out of preview. Microsoft revealed the new to replace Hotmail with new UI/UX features last July and now the service has shed off its preview tag. Over 60 million people are actively using the service and Microsoft is planning to upgrade hundreds of millions of Hotmail users to the new interface starting tomorrow and will be completed by this summer.
Users can sign up for new addresses or use their existing Gmail or Hotmail address to get started with this service. Microsoft is also planning to reveal no.of new features such as new Calender UI, Skype Video calling, etc, soon. Microsoft also announced that they are going to start a multi-million dollar marketing campaign to lure Gmail and other web mail users.
More about the topics: microsoft, outlook
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Microsoft News is MSPowerUser’s former newsroom team. Today, we work with a variety of journalists and reports who tip us news and events.
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