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#ProfilesOfTenacity: Heaven Robinson – Grady – Grady College

November 26, 2023

Become a creative problem solver and leader in mass communications.
Create multimedia narratives in service of the public interest.
Innovate in film and television visual storytelling.
Learn advanced skills for a career in mass communications.
Publish and produce your own work while honing your skills as a writer.
Train to be a future director, producer or cinematographer.
Become a scholar and innovator in mass communications research.
Gain advanced knowledge and understanding of new media.
Study communications skills aimed at shaping public opinion.
Meet society’s evolving health needs with communication.
Examine how we access, create and share media messages.
Prepare for a dynamic career as a sports media professional.
Influence strategic decisions with data-driven insights.
Get everything you need to apply for Grady and advance your college education.
Jumpstart your digital media career at Grady.
Advance your education in one of the top graduate programs.
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Everything you need to know about commencement.
From the history of the college to our impressive faculty and staff, learn more about Grady.
Learn what makes Grady one of the top communications schools.
Read about our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at Grady.
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Learn about this prestigious award founded at UGA & based in Athens
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Become a creative problem solver and leader in mass communications.
Create multimedia narratives in service of the public interest.
Innovate in film and television visual storytelling.
Learn advanced skills for a career in mass communications.
Publish and produce your own work while honing your skills as a writer.
Train to be a future director, producer or cinematographer.
Become a scholar and innovator in mass communications research.
Gain advanced knowledge and understanding of new media.
Study communications skills aimed at shaping public opinion.
Meet society’s evolving health needs with communication.
Examine how we access, create and share media messages.
Prepare for a dynamic career as a sports media professional.
Influence strategic decisions with data-driven insights.
Get everything you need to apply for Grady and advance your college education.
Jumpstart your digital media career at Grady.
Advance your education in one of the top graduate programs.
Plan a visit and get a glimpse of your future at Grady.
Find everything you need to set yourself up for success at Grady College and beyond.
Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor.
Explore opportunities within the Grady network.
Explore study away opportunities, both domestic and abroad.
Get more involved and expand your network at Grady.
View Grady scholarships and financial aid opportunities.
See all the amazing work being done by students at Grady.
Everything you need to know about commencement.
From the history of the college to our impressive faculty and staff, learn more about Grady.
Learn what makes Grady one of the top communications schools.
Read about our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at Grady.
Explore our state-of-the-art labs and facilities at Grady College.
Join us in our service mission to enhance the lives of others.
Get to know our award-winning faculty and staff.
Learn about this prestigious award founded at UGA & based in Athens
Stay in-the-know with the latest Grady news and events happening around campus.
Discover what’s new with Grady College and our alumni.
Get details on upcoming events happening at Grady.
Fourth year advertising major Heaven Robinson uses her design skills both in and out of the classroom, serving as the art director for Pandora Yearbook and Talking Dog Agency. Robinson was a 2022 MAIP fellow, interning for Saatchi & Saatchi this summer. After graduating in December, she will pursue a masters degree in emerging media.
I chose to major in advertising because I have always loved creative thinking, and advertising really champions both strategy and creative working. Visual storytelling has been a constant in my life and I wanted to explore all that it entails in a professional setting, working with brands and clients. I’m most interested in design and graphic communication, so I knew that Grady College and the advertising major would expose me to that, plus the range of disciplines in the industry from account to UI/UX. I also wanted to explore the different career options in advertising and see where I best fit among them. Plus, everyone at Grady genuinely wishes to help us learn and succeed, and I knew the major and the community would provide a great foundation for my career in advertising.
Tenacity means pushing through obstacles and not losing your will to reach your goal. It’s having the determination to succeed and taking the steps necessary to achieve whatever you set your mind to.
The best piece of advice I’ve received was to apply for any and everything you might be interested in. You never know what will happen and the experiences you’ll get from it. It’s similar to the “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” quote in that you’ll miss out on greatness if you don’t make the effort or take a chance.
I love singing. I’m not one to get up in front of a crowd or anything, but I enjoy singing along to a musical or playlist.
My biggest accomplishment this year was obtaining and completing an art direction and design internship at a top advertising agency, Saatchi & Saatchi. I was offered the internship through the Multicultural Advertising Internship Program (MAIP) and was beyond shocked when I got the offer. I had heard about the agency and their work before and just couldn’t believe that I got the chance to intern there. I am proud of how much I’ve grown as a creative and grateful for the peers, professors, mentors and supervisors who supported me throughout that experience.
After I graduate with my undergraduate degree in December 2022, I will be pursuing a masters degree in Emerging Media as a Double Dawg at UGA. I’m really excited to learn more about how technology and design can make some cool, innovative projects for brands. As a designer and advertiser, I find web and app design and development to be very intriguing as well as how users connect with such products. I am looking to have a robust skillset in digital media and UI/UX design as I plan to become a professional graphic designer following my graduation.
I do freelance work in art and design–mainly acrylic paintings. I market myself as a designer, but still use my skills in fine art for drawing and painting commissions. I have been making art since I was in kindergarten so it’s nice to keep building on that talent and use those skills to make good work for people. One thing I love about doing freelance artwork is the lasting impact. People enjoy having the art as they usually order paintings that remind them or celebrate a special time in their lives like a new baby, a sorority anniversary, a new school year, etc. Clients always bring the work up when I see them again, and it’s rewarding to know that I had a role in memorializing those events in their lives.
My favorite place on campus is the second floor of the Lamar Dodd School of Art. I love walking through and seeing the art on the walls. I get a lot of inspiration from the photography and graphics, and I like to admire the projects students are working on. There is also an open computer lab where I like to do work. It’s usually pretty quiet and the big monitors are great for when I’m designing and multitasking.
120 Hooper Street
Athens, Georgia, 30602-3018
(706) 542-1704
© University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602


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